Understanding FinCEN: A Complete Guide for American Business Owners

Yes, FinCEN regulations impact your business every single day. Read on to learn how to stay compliant and avoid big penalties.   The Role and Mission of FinCEN Mission Statement FinCEN‘s mission is to safeguard the financial system from illicit use, combat money laundering, and promote national security through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of financial intelligence and strategic use …

Filing a Partnership in the State of Texas

You and your team have a great idea for a new Texas-based business, and you’re ready to take it to market. Use this quick guide to make sure you’ve covered all your bases to form a partnership.   To file a partnership in the state of Texas, you will need to follow these general steps:   Choose a Business Name …

Do I have to file a BOI Report? A Complete Guide for US Business Owners

Yes, it’s true. If you own a business or entity in the United States, you very likely will need to file a BOI Report with the US Government – and the deadline is coming up fast. In today’s complex business landscape, regulatory compliance is more critical than ever. One of the most significant requirements for US business owners is the …

Heads Up, CPAs – File Beneficial Ownership Reports for Your Clients NOW

We know you’ve been putting off filing Beneficial Owner Reports for your clients – but the end of the year is coming faster than you think. As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), you play a crucial role in managing and maintaining the financial health and compliance of your clients’ entities. One of the key responsibilities in this domain is ensuring …

10 Steps to Registering a Texas Nonprofit

You’ve got the mission. You’ve got the heart. You’ve got the big idea for how you can help others in Texas. Here’s how you can get started.   Registering a Nonprofit in the State of Texas   Define Your Mission and Purpose: Clearly articulate the mission and purpose of your nonprofit organization. This statement should outline the social or charitable …

Registering an LLC

You’ve got the big idea, but do you need an LLC? Here’s a quick glance at the pros and cons of registering your entity as an LLC in the US.   The specific requirements and fees for forming a Limited Liability Company (LLC) vary by state, but generally, you will need to file articles of organization with the Secretary of …

Understanding Shareholder Agreements

So, you’ve got a great idea for a start-up? Here’s why shareholder agreements can be pivotal to your success.   What is a Shareholders’ Agreement? A shareholders’ agreement, also referred to as a stockholders’ agreement, is a private legal document outlining how the company should be operated as well as the rights and responsibilities of the shareholders.   Shareholder’s agreements …

Registering a Corporation in the United States

You’ve decided to form a Corporation in the US, but you’re not entirely sure which type is the best fit for you. Here’s a quick look at the types of corporations you can choose from, as well as the pros/cons of registering your business as one. Registering a new Corporation with the US government involves filing the necessary paperwork with …

Registering a Partnership

You have a small business and know that you need to make it “official” – Is a partnership the right for you?   Registering a new partnership with the US government involves filing the necessary paperwork with the state in which you want to form your partnership. Bear in mind that the specific requirements and fees for forming a partnership …

CPAs and the CTA

Heads up, CPAs – The Corporate Transparency Act and Beneficial Owner Reporting are not going anywhere. We’ve put together a quick reference guide so you can knock it out of the park with your clients.   As a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), navigating the complexities of regulatory compliance, particularly when it comes to filing the newly instated Beneficial Owner Reports …